Design Study of Belle II Interaction Region

Sumitted to PubDB: 2022-01-24

Category: Master Thesis, Visibility: Public

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Authors Hiroaki Aihara
Non-Belle II authors Shinya Sugihara
Date 2011-01-01
Belle II Number BELLE2-MTHESIS-2013-002
Abstract The Belle II experiment will explore new physics beyond the standard model through the study of rare decay processes. The study will be performed at the asymmetric electron positron collider SuperKEKB which is designed to have a luminosity of 8 × 1035cm−2s−1. To achieve this high luminosity, we have to design a new interaction region due to high background and reduced space in the interaction region. In this thesis, we discuss the possible solution for these design issues. First, we estimate two beam backgrounds, Touschek and beam-gas back- ground, expected at Belle II. To estimate the background levels, we performed a beam test at the current Belle detector. Next, we test the cooling capability of the beam pipe by a mockup test. We discuss the two possible cooling schemes and their cooling capabilities. We also discuss selection of the coolant. Finally, we perform a simulation study to understand the difference in track- ing performance between two different SVD designs. The fixed-type mask design is dependent on the SVD design, and the choice of SVD design has important consequences for the IR design. This study is performed to support the design choice of the SVD.
Conference Tokyo
